
Monday, October 20, 2008

No More Room

Although I told myself I was done with canning and freezing for the year, I can't turn down free homegrown food. When the Lord provides, you jump on it. So I borrowed my friend Sara's canner and dehydrator and set to work.

I put up 9 pints of salsa, 9 quarts of applesauce, apple butter, mincemeat, and dried quite a few apples and pears for snacks.

I was kind of nervous about canning for the first time on my own, but only one jar didn't seal. I was pretty happy!

The boys also went to spend the night with friends this weekend and spent the day on Saturday making apple cider. We got to bring home 5 large containers of really yummy cider!

But now our freezer and pantry are really full!

1 comment:

  1. All your yummy goodness brings back a lot of memories of me growing up. My mom was big time into the canning and drying fruit for all of us. We even made cider one year!! Fun times, good memories, yummy food!!!
