We got grapes from Frank and Amy’s yard (LOTS of grapes) and so I decided to make and can grape juice. Only making juice is a lot of work, so I found a quick and easy recipe on-line and decided to give it a try.
After at least 6 weeks, it makes a grape juice concentrate. I think it’s going to be hard to wait that long to see if it worked…
Step 1:Wash and sort grapes
Step 2: Place 1 1/2 to 2 cups grapes in each quart jar
Step 3: Add 1/2 cup sugar
Step 4: Fill with boiling water leaving 1/2” headspace
Step 5: Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath
Step 6: Let stand for at least 6 weeks. Open jar, stir in sugar, strain out grapes and seeds. Pour into pitcher. Add one jar of water and enjoy! (We hope!) :o)
Let me know if it works. I don't know anyone who grows grapes but it might be fun to try when grapes are on sale next summer.