
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Empty Nest

Well, the chicks have officially moved out of the house and into a place of their own!

Thanks to Walt and Randy, who came yesterday to finish the coop so it would be ready for the chicks to move into and to God for providing the gorgeous weather! (70 degrees today!) There are still a few finishing touches that need to be done, but we still have time…

completed coop 01 completed coop 12 completed coop 13Zack and I made a new feeder and waterer out of some buckets and planter bases. I found the idea at Backyard Chickens .com and they work great! No more filling the food and water 3 times a day or finding them tipped over and spilled everywhere!

completed coop 02completed coop 03drill 2” holes into the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket with lid

completed coop 04  

place bucket into a 20” planter base and pour in feed

completed coop 06

place lid on top and it’s done

completed coop 05 

for the waterer: drill a 1/2” hole about 2” from top of bucket. Fill with water. Place lid on tight so that it will seal. Invert bucket into a 20” planter base.

completed coop 07

After everything was all set up and ready, we moved them in. Considering the fact that they were definitely moving up in the housing department, they seemed intent on getting out as quickly as they could! :o)  But after barricading the exit and forcing them to stay inside, they seemed to like it more. They especially liked it when they discovered that the big orange thing contained food!!!

completed coop 11 Can I get out PLEASE???

 completed coop 10

completed coop 08

completed coop 09

Next… the pen! No free-range chickens here… I like my garden un-pecked please!

garden tilled 05

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