
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Little Red Hen House

.I have always wanted a farm with a big red barn. And since this is probably as close as I’m ever gonna get, I painted the coop red…

hen house 08 hen house 09 While I painted Chris and the boys put up the posts, gate, and chicken wire.

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I am so proud because the only parts we had to buy for the entire coop was the chicken wire, 4 t-posts and 2 gate hinges! We were so resourceful! Chris made the entire gate out of cut-down extra 2x4s and we fastened the fence to the ground with little pegs made out of the extra pieces of wire hangers from my garden markers…

hen house 12hen house 13 hen house 01hen house 02  the hangers just before they were rescued from the trash can and given a new purpose

hen house 03

hen house 04

hen house 06

despite all the naysayers insisting they would never work, they worked just fine!

When it was all done we let the chicks out to enjoy the beautiful sunny spring day!

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