
Friday, April 16, 2010

Summer Picnic Quilt

I finished my picnic quilt today! I made it in pinks, turquoises and reds with a cherry accent print, all backed with a red bandana-print vinyl tablecloth. It turned out way bigger than I had pictured it being and I have fallen in love with it!

cherry quilt 01 cherry quilt 02

It’s the kind of quilt that I dream about spreading out on the soft green grass by the garden on a summer afternoon while enjoying a glass of iced tea (with a sprig of fresh mint from the herb garden) and a good book while watching the bees buzz in the tomato blossoms and the hens pecking for worms. Perfect!

cherry quilt 04

I don’t know if I’ll be able to sell this one or not???


  1. Carrie, I think this is your best one yet! This is the one I want for my birthday? :)

  2. I think I had this one in my hand at the Cantebury today but it was so crowded in that room I didn't get to open it up and take a good look at it, I ended up getting the smaller blue/orange one. I do love the cherries and now I'm sad it didn't come home with me. Do you carry these picnic blankets at Paytens place? would love a bigger one for mom and dad and smaller one for kiddo's.

  3. Rileygirlz-

    If you are still interested, please send me an e-mail at and I'll give you more info.

