
Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Garden’s In

After months of dreaming, planning and buying the garden is finally in! God gave us a gorgeous sunny week in which to start it in, too! The boys were TONS of help! Especially since we had to re-turn and re-till the entire thing by hand. Ugh! :o(

garden in 01

garden in 02

We also totally reconfigured where everything was planted! We also planted a whole lot more and put everything MUCH closer together. There was so much wasted space last year. But since this is only our second year at this, we’ll see how it all works out…

But everything is in and now we just wait… In the next three weeks we will see what comes up, what needs to be replanted, what dies and what needs to be replaced with starts from the Farmers’ Market. I hate this part!

This year we have: rhubarb, raspberries, blueberries, dill, basil, cilantro, lettuce, spinach, lemon balm, chives, mint, orange mint, oregano, sunflowers, strawberries, corn, 5 kinds of tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, watermelon, zucchini, peas, snow peas, acorn squash, summer squash, spaghetti squash, butternut squash, 4 kinds of cucumbers, and 3 kinds of pumpkins. Yup, I think that’s it… :o)

 garden in 03 herbs and lettuce on the deck

garden in 04

berries and rhubarb

garden in 05

the rest of it…

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