
Monday, May 10, 2010

Starting My Garden

While the weather may not be cooperating enough that I am ready to plant my garden :o(, I did start my garden several weeks ago.

garden starts 01 garden starts 02

Thanks to the beautiful table that Chris made me, I have all kinds of starts growing in the living room.

garden starts 06garden starts 07I am so excited that my cactus bloomed a second time! 

When the sun came out on Friday, I moved them all out to the deck to get some real sunlight. But when the weather turned bad again last night, I moved in the peppers and tomatoes and left the cabbage and broccoli outside.

garden starts 03garden starts 05garden starts 04I decided to do some lettuce a little early this year 

Now I just have to re-till the garden and wait for spring to return…

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