
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Doors Off!

Last week I made cinnamon rolls as a special treat for breakfast. They were special until smoke began pouring out of the back burner on the stove. I guess springform pans aren't tight enough to keep butter and sugar inside the pan. It all leaked out onto the bottom of my oven... :/

The cinnamon rolls baked up perfectly! Unfortunately the bottom of my oven was less than perfect.

But a friend came over for lunch and suggested that taking the door off the oven would make the job so much easier! 

She was right! My sweet hubby not only took the door off but also removed the element when I asked. 

When there is no door and no element, nothing gets in the way of you really getting in there to clean. :) 

Despite the horrible burned-on mess, I just couldn't bring myself to use some toxic spray in my oven where I cook things we eat. So I went with elbow grease and sharp metal objects, along with a bucket of hot water and lots of paper towels.

And although I'm sure Whirlpool wouldn't approve of my methods, they worked great! And now my oven is clean! 

By the way... those scrubby metal things also work really well for cleaning the racks in the bathtub. :) 

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