Just so people I know don't think I have gone off the deep end, I want you to know why I have this blog.
Think "Little House on the Prairie" not Al Gore. It's more about living more simply than anything else. But I have also been thinking lately about how we live affects everything around us.
So here is a list of a few reasons of why I am trying to live more green:
1. Money
The cost of living is going up but our paycheck isn't.
2. Stuff
Do we really need all that stuff? When our friends' house burned down this last summer, I started thinking about what I would want if we had to start over again. Those thoughts have been a big motivator in my wanting to live more simply.
3. Waste
We live in the most wasteful country in the world. We need to use our resources more wisely.
4. Health
In a culture of energy drinks and fast food, our health is suffering. More and more people are diagnosed with autism, fertility problems, ADHD, auto immune issues, ... There has to be a reason and I think it's environmental. We need to think about what we are eating, cleaning with and our lifestyles and how they are affecting our health.
5. Stewardship
Back in 1998, Chris and I visited a booth at Creation about Christian environmentalism. I got a bumper sticker there that said "IF YOU LOVE THE CREATOR, TAKE CARE OF CREATION". I have since lost it, but I think about that saying often. God made us stewards of and gave us dominion over His marvelous creation and I think we need to do that in a way that shows that we love Him.
So, in a nutshell, that's it. Here we go...
Cornmeal Cookies with Jam
I made a batch of delicious jalapeno jelly. And it was pretty to look at
to boot. I love it on cornbread, grilled cheese, cream cheese and
hamburgers. T...
5 months ago
This is exactly how I've been thinking lately. I'm glad I'm not the only one "turning into a pioneer" as Greg puts it.
I think this is so wonderful! Dave and I have been trying to do the same, getting rid of chemically cleaners one by one and replacing them with either ones we've made or more natural alternatives we can find to buy. Also since we have a garden this year we're trying to figure out how we can compost with out annoying the apartment managers. :)
YES...yes you can be and environmentally responsible Christian! I just got here via Leila C. Glad to meet another homeschooling wife farmer chick!
I am adding you to my garden blog roll. Cheers from across town, Kim
Love to know that I am not the only one that thinks being a Christian does not exclude one from being environmentally responsible!
I got here via Leila C....nice to 'meet' another homeschooling, gardening, farmer chick!
Greeting from across town, Kim
BTW, adding you to my garden blogroll.
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