Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Old Mother Hubbard

Today I warily cooked up the first of our four very large hubbard squashes from the garden. I was told from a pretty reliable source that hubbards were NOT good eating. So I was a bit concerned about what I had undertaken.

jars and books 003

After finally getting the thing cut in two, I was pleasantly surprised to find large seeds perfect for roasting. I really shouldn’t have been that surprised, since it’s basically just a big, blue-gray pumpkin.

hubbard squash 01

While it was baking in the oven, I cleaned the seeds and got them ready to roast in the oven using my favorite “sugar and spice pumpkin seed” recipe. Yum!

hubbard squash 02hubbard squash 04

It baked up very nicely and after running it through the food mill, it remarkably resembled pumpkin.

hubbard squash 03

So I reasoned that if it looks like pumpkin, has seeds like pumpkin, is textured like pumpkin, smells like pumpkin and tastes pretty similar to pumpkin why can’t I use it like pumpkin.

Our first test was Zack’s preschool recipe for pumpkin muffins. (see link ) Warm out of the oven they tasted pretty good! Next test: pumpkin pie…

hubbard squash 05

1 comment:

Brian said...

I would love the cinnamon and spice pumpkin seed recipe!
~Misty (using Brian's account because I'm too lazy to sign out and back in, ha ha)