Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Treasures

This summer has already resulted in some super treasure hunts and finds that I just had to share!

First there was the youth group garage sale. Every year I tell myself, “only take, don’t bring home”. But I have yet to follow that rule… Here is my favorite rule breaker:

treasures 18 treasures 19 I love the label!

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I probably would not have gotten it if it hadn’t been in such pristine condition!

One of my favorite thrift stores is at a retirement community adjacent to our Bible Camp! I go every year with friends and find just the right thing (or things). This year I was extra fortunate to have a friend who was willing to cover my tab when I went WAY over my budget! :o) Here is what I picked up there…

treasures 01I don’t need another cookbook but it was free!

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And it had such cute pics like this one!

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I just love these things and this one had the original cork! ($1)

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treasures 07This pot just needs to serve chai tea! ($1)

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 I can’t believe I bought more dishes (or that my hubby let me)! But the whole set was a bargain! ($5)

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Thanks to Kate my hems will now be much straighter!

The JoAnn’s clearance aisle is just dangerous! Especially when it’s 70% off and really cute farm stuff!!! How could I NOT get it???

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And sometimes sweet and lovely people just know what I would love and offer it to me… Those are the best!!!

treasures 05 treasures 04Tablecloths from my SIL!

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This little gem came from a lady at church who brought her mother’s Sunday School flannelgraphs in them and said I could have them!!!

I wonder what treasures the rest of the summer holds???


Teresa said...

Wow! You find great stuff!

inadvertent farmer said...

Hahaha...glad I'm not the only one! That suitcase rocks! Kim