Monday, November 21, 2011

Library Wish List

While at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science & Industry) today with my youngest son, we stopped in at the gift store to kill some time while waiting to get into the Body Worlds exhibit. (Yes, it was AMAZING!!!)

One of my many weaknesses is books, and they had some really cool ones that I would love to add to my collection!

OMSI books 05

This had some really useful information on raising chickens in your backyard. I especially liked how they rated the different breeds.

OMSI books 06

I so want to do bees someday… HONEY!!!

OMSI books 07

This shows you how to make the most of the space in your yard. Beautiful and practical!

OMSI books 08

Because you just never know…

OMSI books 03OMSI books 04

These sound like a super fun class to teach at co-op!

OMSI books 01OMSI books 02

I don’t really want either of these books but I did find it interesting that they chose a phone cord to be the female brain and duct tape for the male. LOL

With Christmas coming up this just might be a hint… ;o)

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